The End of All Things 2011!
December 31st, 2011

Well, here we are. The end of another year. You're no doubt ready to get out there tonight and enjoy a night endless debauchery of any sort you can think of, but while you're waiting and getting all your furniture wrapped in plastic for whatever may unfold tonight, let the ol' SMPS.Net help get the festivities started....

Eight of your favorite contributators (well, I'm your favorite, of course!) have jotted down their thoughts on what the year in gaming brought for them, and not just games released in 2011. You're gonna get opinions all over the spectrum while you click and scroll through these lists! All tastes are represented, good (me) to bad (decoy), so there's bound to be something for everybody to agree on somewhere in the middle! Just click that big ol' pink link up there and work your way down that list of personal opinions you may or may not agree with! And hey, why not stop by and bitch about them on the forums if you get the chance! WE ALL NEED TO BE TOLD WE'RE WRONG! (Except me, I'm never wrong.)

And, before I go today, I'd like to plug a really awesome contest that is being run by one of my twitter pals, @Chemi_Ro. Her awesome Deadly Premonition site is giving away a personally hand-crafted set of real-life trading cards modeled after the set you can collect in the game to the winner of the contest. Entering is easy peasy, so be sure to flood her with awesome entries. I know a good amount of Deadly Premonition fans read SMPS.Net from the emails I get, so here's your chance to get your hands on some cool ass swag that is almost one-of-a-kind (seeing as she's created only a few sets).

And with all that, 2011 is over and I couldn't be fucking happier. It's been a terrible year and I just want it outta here. I also must stop accidentally rhyming. Anyway, SMPS.Net cruises into 2012 with a lot of steam, thanks to readers like you and our ever-increasing stable of Guest Contributators. I expect this trend to continue into the next year, and we'll be back sometime after the new year with more fresh content for you to mindlessly gawp at.

Happy New Year!


Even More Holiday Cheer!
December 22nd, 2011

Are you still down in the Holiday Dumps? No, I mean do you literally feel you're stuck in a big ol' Christmas Toilet, and the Holiday season is just letting loose with the biggest continuous blast of yule log you've ever seen in your life? Well, have we got the lifeline you've been needing to help pull yourself out today!


So, how many copies can we put you down for? This comes as a late, yet fine addition to heavymetalmage's Christmas Guide (which you should totally read!), but it's no less merry! Let creepy ol' Uncle Beepner get you through your Holiday rut with the gift of song. Man, just get a listen at those pipes. SO DREAMY!



Let The Heavy Metal Holiday Festivities Begin!
December 18th, 2011

Ho-ho-hoooooooo! I hope everyone's holiday season is, as you kids like to say these days, "in full effect, yo!" All you greedy little buggers are no doubt counting down the mere hours left until you get all that free stuff from people you probably don't care about! But, just in case you need a little jump start to the festivities, or that lonely warm glow of your computer monitor just isn't cutting it this year, your boy heavymetalmage has got you covered with his latest in holiday festivities, heavymetalmage Goes All Christmas (And New Year's) On Your Ass! He's rounded up his best-of-the-best when it comes to helping celebrate not only Christmas, but the new year as well. Hell, there's even a few entries in there for the ol' Scrooges like me who don't really care much for the holidays!

So, gather 'round the ol yule log, grab some egg nog, and give ol' hmm a listen. It's sure to brighten your holiday experience a bit! (And I swear, I'll get around to making this feature an honest to god Feature someday. Laziness is a bitch, lemme tell ya!)


Even A Month Off Can't Keep 'Em Down!
December 16th, 2011

Oh-ho-ho-ho, what you thought the decoy octopus and Fat Kakashi man-train was slowing down? Hell naw, son, you better recognize! They're staying at it hard and heavy with the latest two episodes of their Secret of Mana 2 Let's Play, and you can get to all the man excitement by using the linkeroos below!

Also, note to self: Never speak in terms like that about those two again, lest you conjure up terrible images in your own mind while trying to shatter the fragile psyches of your readerbase.

And ya know what, while I got your face here for a moment, I'd like to take a minute to help you out with a bit of the warm-fuzzies. A Twatters pal of mine (@sarahchavis) wrote a blog entry quite a while back that I found to be a nice read. Figured since I liked it so much I'd throw a link out there for anyone wanting to have a nice read about why videogames matter. So, go on, be good little Socksizens and give it a good dose of the ol' readerizin'.

Finally, speaking of the Twatters, you can follow @SMPS_Updates if you want to get a face-full of any updates on the site in a timely manner. Maybe it'll save some wear and tear on that F5 key!


A Time-Honored Tradition (Of Laziness!)
December 2nd, 2011

Welp, it's December here at the ol' SMPS.Net. Not sure what time of year it is wherever you live, but whatever!

If you've kept with the site for any amount of time now, you know it's tradition that I typically go on a sort of "site vacation" for the month of December, and this year is no different. This means that only the big site Features such as the Holiday articles, Secret of Mana 2 Let's Play, and the Silent Hill/Legacy of Kain Features will be updated this month should new installments come in.

This also means that normal Guest Contributated content submitted during this time will be on the backburner until January. You can still send it in, and I'll still reply to you about it (though wait times may be a bit longer than usual), but I won't be tending to it proper until after the new year.

Finally, because I've received a lot of inquiries and requests about it, I won't be doing another full-on 31 Days, 31 Updates event for January this time around. It was crazy the last two times, but I didn't really have the time or energy to try and pull it off again, so maybe next time!

There will be a special end-of-the-year piece going up on the 31st, so you can always look forward to that too. Until then, I'm out!


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